FuzzyBritches…meet Frugal God Bless You

December 9, 2008

In one of my many efforts to simplify and save time I am combining Frugal God Bless You with FuzzyBritches. I am a mother, I don’t have time to wash my hair everyday, like I have time for two blogs. Ha!

So how is everyone out there? I have been a bad blogger and not posting/commenting much lately. I miss you all.

I have been knitting like crazy! Of course since it’s all Christmas knitting you can’t see it until after Christmas. Maybe I will post some pics on Ravelry. It’s actually been pretty easy Christmas knitting this year.

The Bean, The Monkey and I spent a few days in NY after Thanksgiving. We went up simply to relax and so I could have some time to get some knitting/sewing done. It worked and was a much needed respite. While we were there, I got to see my nephew. He is 7 (?). He was watching me spin when he said to me, “I don’t think you know what you are doing Aunt Tracey, are you sure you are doing that right? I don’t think you know what you are doing.” LOL Then he promptly requested mittens and a hat for Christmas. I hope I know what I’m doing enough to get those knit up for him in time. He’s a pretty cool kid. I mean come on, how many little boys do you know that still like to wear hand knit hats and mittens?