
September 15, 2010

I  am playing in the HPKCHC (Harry Potter Knit Crochet House Cup) again. For one of the assignments I whipped up a great dpn roll. I’ve needed one forever and this was just the motivation I needed to do it!


September 12, 2010

So apparently Fall is truly on its way. The evidence being in my aching sinuses and my soar throat. That’s right, the semi-annual sinus infection has arrived right in line with the cooler weather. Ack, so I’m holed up in the bedroom with liquids, and books, and knitting, and a laptop, and occasionally a baby. I figured I’d better play it real quiet today while I still have DH home to help me out. I threw together some chicken soup this morning and then crashed. So, later this afternoon I will have some yummy soup to sip.

Yesterday was  a busy day. We went over to the local green house for their customer appreciation days. Beautiful mums everywhere! Finnigan got a pony ride with some other little kids. He really enjoyed himself and was ready for another ride shortly after the first, but we had a birthday party to get to.

Going for a pony cart ride with "Amigo"

Mmmmm, hot donuts!

Eat your heart out Krispy Kreme

Our lovable little friend, Charlie, turned one yesterday. Man that went by so quick. It feels just like yesterday that Mike was calling to tell me that Casey was in labor and asking if I could check on the dog. It was a great party, delicious food. Casey’s DH makes amazing hamburgers. A super delish carrot cake. I enjoyed watching Charlie and Finny playing together. The weatherman pulled one over on me yet again. He swore it was going to be cool out so I dressed in a sweater… and roasted. Stupid weatherman. We left around three, tired and happy. It was a great afternoon.

Of course later last night I started feeling “funny” and whenever that happens I immediately reach for the echinacea & goldenseal throat spray, dubbed Lysol in our house for it’s, ahem, “interesting” flavor. Around 2 am this morning I knew I was headed for a sinus infection. Bleargh, so here I am resting in bed. Note to self, get well soon.

We now return you…

September 10, 2010

…to life as usual.

It looks like things are finally settling down in our household. My postpartum depression has packed it’s bags thanks to my placenta capsules and some 5-HTP. Now I’m dealing with the ‘other’ postpartum reality. Oh for crying in the mud I put on how much weight? I have begun to deal with that issue now too. We are getting back to our good eating habits that we started a couple of years ago:  cutting out the processed foods that sneaked  slowly back into our cupboards, and most importantly getting rid of all that sugary food. I’m really struggling with the sugar thing. Ugh, it’s awful, I know if I can just kick the habit I don’t crave it anymore, but kicking it is so hard. Even as I type this there is an increased amount of traffic on our road today due to it being Customer Appreciation days at the Amish owned greenhouse. Free glazed donuts and coffee. Let me tell you folks, KrispyKreme ain’t got nothin’ on hot Amish made glazed donuts. They set up a mini kitchen right out in front of the greenhouse and cook all day and all night (they make up some to sell by the dozen as well). It doesn’t get any fresher than that. Actually OBG (Elizabeth, my Original Baby Girl) and I saw them getting started last night at 8:00 when we went on our evening walk. Ah yes, the walking, another healthy habit we have started. I’ve lost 3.5 lbs recently, which brings me down to a whopping 220. Yep, I said it, 220 pounds people. Now everyone on the internet who cares to know will see just how big I’ve gotten. The bad thing is I was down to 218, those 3.5 pounds I lost are pounds I put on eating ice cream after CDD (Seannan aka Chunka-Dunka-D00) could tolerate dairy in my milk. So I’m not counting anything as actual weight loss until it dips below 218. Hmmmff.

Chunka-Dunka-Doo is doing well too. As you can guess by his nickname, he is a chubby little bug. I’m just loving it. My midwife really got on me about my protein and stressed the importance of a high protein + balanced diet for making good, fat creamy milk. Chunka Dunka Doo is sleeping much better as well. He gets up twice a night, eats and goes back to sleep. Hey, if I didn’t mind starting my day at 5:45 each day, I might even go so far as to say that he only gets up once a night. I do mind, however,  starting my day that early, so he goes back to bed after that 5:45 feeding and then generally starts doing his, “OK, I want to get up now!” fuss around 7:00.

Finny is, as always, still madly in love with his Big Sissy and his new Baby Brother. He is also excelling at being a terrible two year old. For those of you who are looking at spacing your children exactly two years apart…two small things to think about:  potty learning and chasing around a two year old all with an infant along for the ride. Yeah. Finnigan is also just as cute as ever. If you ask him what a dinosaur says he will grin real big and let out the cutest little, “Raaarr!” you ever heard, upon which it is your duty to act scared, at which point he will bust into giggles and “Raaarr!” at you again.

We have been going to play dates to Casey’s,  a good friend, to play with her handsome little boy, Charlie. Casey and I enjoy the hour and a half to two hour time with adult conversation…which usually revolves around our kids, go figure. The boys are learning how to share…sort of, and Finny is embarrassing his mother with his practice of the black art known as Hooliganism. He is well indoctrinated.

Original Baby Girl, Elizabeth, has started 9th grade. Phew, 9th grade. I’m still not exactly sure how we got here, and yet at the same time, it didn’t go as fast as everyone says it does. I think… She has several honors courses and a college prep class this semester so she will be working her tail off and I will be seeing to it that she does. We had a discussion that went sort of like a drill sergeant pacing in front of his troop. “You will have exactly 20 minutes upon arriving home to get a snack, use the bathroom, and decompress. After this time you will hole up in your room to complete homework. When your homework and studying are done you may relax in your manner of choosing until dinner. At 8:00 pm you will do whatever your chores are for that evening. After that you can while away your time until 9:30 when you will begin getting ready for bed ending in lights out at 10:00 pm sharp.” And so far, she’s doing great.

So that’s a quick…erm, sort of, update as to what’s going on over here. I’m looking forward to getting back to blogging. I’ve been knitting and spinning and sewing a lot lately. I have much to share. That’s the news from Southerly PA.

i'm lovin' the matchy matchy pj's