Where to begin…

March 12, 2009

It’s been another crazy week at Casa Durf. Last week my MIL had back surgery. She’s recouperating nicely, but is in a lot of pain, which we all knew was expected. The night before hubby wasn’t feeling well and we spent the weekend in and out of the dr’s. office trying to figure out what was going on. This Monday we ended up in the ER all morning while they pumped the hubby full of fluids and ran some tests. Turns out he had a nasty bacterial infection in his gut. The doc started him on an antibiotic and by the next morning hubby was much improved. He’s back to his normal self, which is good, because I really missed his normal self. Speaking of their normal selves, Finnigan is feeling much, much better as well. He’s up and about and getting into everything! He made a very speedy recovery.

Now to something more fibery! Shortly after Finnigan was born there was a discussion between Hubby and I about our little “tax credit”. It went something like this, “I carried our little tax credit for 9 months and pushed him out…I think I should get to spend some of it…on a spinning wheel.” There was a very brief pause and then Travis said, “I think that’s fair.” A very wise answer.

Well two weeks ago (told you it’s been crazy) this Saturday I made a mad dash to The Mannings and brought home this lovely wheel.

Ashford Traveller

Ashford Traveller

It’s an Ashford Traveller and spins like a dream. Right now I am spinnig some silk that is absolutely gorgeous, it’s browns and purple with a dash of black. I can’t wait to see it when it’s plyed. Travis has dubbed me the spinning fool.

Silk from Spunky Eclectic

A gratuitous shot of The Monkey and Bean. We went for a walk the other night and she wore Finn in the new mei tai I made out of a pair of old sweat pants. So cute.

My babies

My babies